Community Based Learning

Community Based Learning is a vital educational tool to help students receive practical students while connecting with local community partners


Community-Based Learning (CBL) Course Support

CBL is a powerful educational method. We know if can be daunting to create a new course or to add on a CBL component to an existing course. CECiL provides resources to ensure you have adequate support to get this started! 

We offer: 

  • Regular workshops - topics range from leading reflection to working with community partners. Check out out the Training & Support page to see what we have in our database. 
  • 1:1 Consultations - you can always request to meet with a staff member in CECiL to discuss your specific course and learning outcomes.
  • Course Designations - these are through the Mason Impact process. With this designation, you'll have access to more training, additional funding sources for your course, and assistance with publicizing your course to students. 


Already have a CBL course? Make sure you're following all the University requirements