Community Based Learning

Students who participate in community-based learning are not only committed to service as part of their academic requirements, but they are also engaged in meaningful reflection and academic learning that deepens their connection to the service.   

If your organization is interested in hosting students for semester-long service opportunities connected to an academic course, please email Cara Snider, Program Manager for Engaged Learning.   

In a community-based learning course, the instructor, student, and community partner work together to match course learning objectives with agency service needs. 

  • In some cases the instructor and community partner co-create the service project and present it to students in the course 

  • In other cases, the learning objectives are established by the instructor and student, then fine tuned through a discussion between the student and community partner. 

  • Work can be completed onsite or in a remote setting depending on the project.

  • We recommend that students spend 30-45 hours with your organization in order to receive academic credit for their service .

We encourage all community partners to view their role as co-educators in the community-based learning course. Your expertise and experience provide critical learning for students about the practical applications of their academic learning and ethical implications of working with communities.