Engaged Summer Program

The Engaged Summer Program is a 10-week experience open to students at George Mason University.

Engaged Summer Participants will be matched with Community Partners to complete 15-20 hours per week of service on a project proposed by the Community Partner.  

What are the expectations of community partners and potential partners? 

  • Community Partner sites should be located in Fairfax, Prince William or Arlington counties;  

  • Partner sites must have a substantial project or program for the student to focus on over the 10 weeks that will contribute to the mission and goals of the organization. Projects can be direct or indirect service projects;   

  • Community Partners sites must have the capacity to supervise the fellow during the duration of the 10-week summer program and offer guidance, direction, and mentoring;  

  • Partners must provide orientation to students about the organization - sharing the history, mission, and scope of the organization’s work;  

  • The partner supervisor or their alternative must attend the Engaged Summer Program Interviews, partner meeting, and program training;  

  • Partners must provide an evaluation of the fellow during the program and at its completion;  

  • Partner sites must provide and create a safe and supportive environment for student volunteers.  

What kind of projects can Engaged Summer Program participants complete? 

  • Projects should meet specific needs of the community organization;  

  • Projects can be direct or indirect service opportunities. Engaged Summer participants can spend time working directly with constituents or on administrative duties that support constituent services and programs.  

  • Any indirect service should have a clearly defined outcome or objective communicated with the student. 

  • Projects can be ongoing but should have a specific deliverable that fits within the program calendar to help assess the development of the project and the experience of Engaged Summer Participants and Community Partners.  

Some examples of potential projects might be, but are not limited to:  

  • The planning and execution of a program event, like a fundraiser or community celebration  

  • The translation of guides or resources 

  • Advocacy and/or organizing on a campaign  

  • Support Tutoring of K-12 students  

  • Office administration with a specific project that the Fellow is responsible for, like updating a database, or collecting resources for community members 

If you're interested in serving as a partner for the Engaged Summer Program, please contact Shauna Rigaud at srigaud2@gmu.edu