Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates of the program?

The Engaged Summer Program runs from the week of June 5th thru August 8th 

How are students matched with a community partner site?

Students selected for an interview must participate in a virtual Interview Day on April 14th. Each student will have the opportunity to interview with up to three community partners. After the interviews, Community partners and students will provide their rankings based on their interviews. CECiL staff will then compile the responses and then match students and partners. All matching will be completed by April 28th.

Can other members of my staff participate in the Interview Day?

Yes. Community Organizations who are accepted as a partner site for the Engaged Summer program are required to participate in the Interview Day and are welcome to invite other members of their team to participate in the student interviews.  

My organization requires that students complete a background check, how will I be notified of the student that is placed at my site.

Engaged Summer Partners will be notified of their match by May 1. Once matches are made, partners will be given the contact information for their student and can begin to coordinate any site-specific onboarding needs.  

What if the student that I would like to work with selects another organization as their first choice to work with?

During the Interview Day, partners may meet with up to 15 students. Each partner will be able to rank the students that they interviewed, and matching will consider both the student and the partner's ranking. If a student is no longer available, the CECiL staff will then select the next student and partner combination that is available.  

While we will do our best to match partners with a student, being selected as a partner site does not guarantee that we will be able to match you with a student. Depending on the organization’s timeline and application pool we may be able to work with you to find another match.  

Are there other dates that I need to be available?

Yes, we ask all partners or their representatives to participate in the Engaged Summer Training on May 24th (details will be shared with all partners once they are selected). Additionally, Engaged Summer Partners may also be asked to meet with CECiL staff to check in during the course of the program, based on the partner’s schedule.   

How are the students’ hours managed?

Once matching for the Engaged Summer Program is completed, students and partners will be able to connect to coordinate the volunteer hours during the program. Students will be required to share their hours with CECiL staff and communicate any absences with their site supervisor and include CECiL staff.